Saturday, May 17, 2014

Thanksgiving in May

I figured since we are half way to thanksgiving that we should stop, check ourselves, and give a little thanks. Sometimes I get carried away with the negative that I forget that there are WAY more positive things that I could focus on. I had a very trying week and refocusing on the positive got me through it. Maybe we will take it to the next level and make a turkey and the whole bit, then I won't have to cook for a week either. Here are some of mine positives:

Healthy family
Supportive friends/coworkers
Patient husband
That I get to be a mom
I can finally fit into a bikini again - much thanks to Andrew, baby boot camp, Advocare (Aubri), my coworkers and family. It really did take all those people to make me motivated and do the unthinkable: run and wear a bikini again. 
Vacation time (from work) and that I actually get to take vacations
Marcie - she is my team lead at work. she puts up with so much of my crap and scheduling nightmares. Without her I would be a hot mess.
The Ellen show. She makes me LOL every episode. I only have 122 left on my DVR...

Now write down 10 of yours (I stopped at 8 because I think you get the point). Just do it, trust me.

Life update:
-Andrew and I are officially a wish granting team for Make A Wish and have a meeting with our first wish kid in a few weeks. 
-Picture overload is coming soon. I figured something is better than nothing at this point.
-Gracie went to her first official show today, Sesame Street Live - total success. Haven't mentioned this yet about G but I am so proud that she is bottle (at 12 mo) and pacifier (at 17 mo) free. She also got her first iPad the other day. I know that it is ridiculous but our flight  to mexico is getting closer and if I have to listen to her scream for Dora and Boots for 4 hours straight I am going to lose my shit real fast. Her new thing is playing with my hair, feeding her CPK, and being affectionate (unless she is ready for bed, then she will smack you in the face). 
-Mexico countdown... 26 days!
- still no bun in oven. So to keep positive I wrote this post, bought a bikini at target, and got a GIANT bottle of costco wine. 

Friday, May 2, 2014

Let's get you up to Speed

Truths: I am a terrible blogger. I don't have much free time. I will try my hardest to make our personal lives more public (you're welcome). More pictures on next post.

What you've missed:
  • Post partum - I know I promised an honest and gross post, but I am so over this. To sum it up... It wasn't as bad as I thought, some parts healed quicker than others, I still cross my legs when I sneeze or cough and my bladder also hates it when I run too fast.
  • Spike died - SUPER sad, Mia still asks for him (and we show her the urn on the mantle). Barney is thriving.
  • We had our 5 year anniversary - We are hoping the next 5 years will be smoother (fingers crossed, thumbs tucked)
  • Lindsey (Andrew's sister) got engaged. Wedding: July 19. I am MOH, Andrew is groomsman, Gracie Flower Girl. 
  • Ali is pregnant, Due Date: October 25
  • Karli is likely moving to San Diego, going to school and working there :(
  • My mom had crazy health stuff going on. All of which was very confusing and difficult to diagnose. Good news is she is much better and it sounds like the docs have a good handle on it. (Confession: didn't know there were bile ducts in your liver)
  • Andrew works for Brown and Brown/Beecher Carlson now. He likes it. He was in Rotary, now he's not. He is a Wish Granter for Make-A-Wish and on their Junior Board. Also on Friends of the Children's Junior Board. He still bikes (now with Gracie).
  • Gracie is a year and a half! She is incredibly adorable. Drools a TON, loves kitties, puppies, babies, Dora, books, graham crackers and sleeping in. Videos of Mia are the only thing that can snap her out of a tantrum or melt down. She is talking, running, biking, dancing, counting (kinda) and wearing us down. 
  • We have a very packed summer this year. Next most exciting thing is Mexico with Andrew's parents and Gracie. 
  • ME: Still working full time. I wish there was a shift that was Mon, Wed, Thurs 10-3 with a 90 min lunch. I would take it in a heartbeat. I turn 30 in November so I have been trying to figure out what I want to do for that. Lately my goals have been basic: work out, eat healthy, rock climb more, be nicer. Make A Wish training to become a wish granter starts tomorrow for me! And to answer the dreaded questions I am asked daily...
Questions you are asking me:
  • When are you having another/Are you pregnant?  no, I am not pregnant. We hope our family grows soon though :)
  • How is Gracie?  Perfectly fine, probably cuter than most kids if you were wondering. She is 18 months old (see above)
  • Next Vacation?  Mexico (Riviera Maya) in June with Andrew's parents. Yes Gracie is going. Andrew and I are trying to do an adventurous quick trip, just the 2 of us in August, any ideas?
  • Are you moving? No, not any time soon. we thought about it and decided to wait. I am still unfortunately addicted to Zillow :(
  • Why don't you update your blog more? Because I'm lazy, when I'm not being lazy I am far too busy.