Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Heard the Heartbeat

Not the best picture that the doc could have captured, but we're just glad she was nice and got one for us!

Does anyone know how to get a voice memo from your iPhone (it's a  .m4a file) to upload?

We heard the heart beat today, it was pretty cool! I think we both feel a little comforted knowing that you can hear and see the little monster and know everything is healthy and normal...whew! That crazy creature in the picture was doing a serious workout, it was hilarious to see it move around! It literally looked like it was doing jumping jacks in there. Gosh I can't wait to stop calling it "it," a him or her will be nice...maybe we'll see a sneak peak next week, if not we have to wait until we schedule another ultrasound after our May 17th appt. Andrew recorded the sound of the heartbeat and I can't figure out how to upload it but I can text or e-mail it. If you are truly interested in listening, let me know :)

Tomorrow is 13 weeks and the buttons on my pants are screaming. Still no belly photos, i'll try and get on that! More to come tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. Such a cute little one in that ultra sound pic! Exciting to hear about the redecorating too! Can’t wait to see it!
