Due Date: April 24, 2015 - Currently 20 weeks
- Yes, much more now, but it is mostly my fault. Staying up late online shopping is hard to stop doing.
News: Baby is kicking regularly and my bladder has no signs of chilling out. Gracie is so amazing and so in love with her cousin Isa, I can't wait for her to meet the baby! We had our anatomy scan on Tuesday and had a great sonographer and then the doc came in and did a 4D scan too. Baby is growing right on schedule and everything looks to be normal thus far.
How's mom?: That's really a loaded question. Most people will get the "I'm good/great" answer. And in the grand scheme of things it is true, shit could be a LOT worse. But those that I know who can pretend to listen to me for at least 20 minutes will get a full blown vomit of emotions and bitching. I have diagnosed myself with situationally controlled pregnancy rage. Which has made me an angry person and very unpredictable. I cannot tell you how to make me feel better either, or when I will feel happy. The good thing is that I can put on a happy face if I am getting paid (at work... most of the time), so I have that going for me, and I do work full time so that's a lot of "smiling-ish" of Nikki.
Genetics Screening:
Fetal Echo- Scheduled for Dec. 8 (all has shown the
baby is fine)
Gender: IT'S A BOY! It took about 2 seconds for her to find the baby and determine gender. We are excited and now thinking of names and bedding that will match our already green nursery walls :) Sorry for the lame gender reveal, it gets even worse when you look at the below picture. There has been a balloon in our lunch room for over a week from who knows what. I thought to myself, "well, that's convenient." I think some people were disappointed I didn't make cupcakes haha. Ain't nobody got time for that. But now I can blame this crazy different pregnancy on the fact that it's a boy. That's all I really want any way... a healthy baby and someone/thing to blame everything on.
Coming up: Halloween, Gracie's 2 yr party. and then maybe a holiday post? We will see what my limited patience has in store for you all.
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