Friday, March 23, 2012

Looking more like a baby less like monster alien, kinda?

We went to see Kate Beadle today for the first time and LOVED her. She isn't a doctor, she's a nurse practitioner so we will call her KB on the blog for short. She was able to listen to my crazy talk and deliver lots of insane information without overwhelming us. She told us that the baby looks just as a 9 week baby should and everything looks perfect so far. The little monster even started to wiggle around during the ultrasound which was kinda funny. KB counted about 160 bbm (which is good) and told us we will be able to hear the heart beat at our next appointment (April 20). The due date is still Oct. 24 (give or take a few weeks). We also talked a bit about what hospital to go to for delivery, it looks like we are leaning towards Sunnyside as long as everything goes smoothly; if not, we will plan on St. Vincent's.

On a side note: Can't wait to try a trick my neighbor Deb told me about...loop a rubber band through the button hole of your pants/jeans and then pull the other end over the button. Genius! maybe I won't have to buy very many pants this way... as long as my butt doesn't grow too much more and my button doesn't pop off in the meantime.

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome Nikki & Andrew! Ricky and I are so excited for you two! I can't wait for our little ones to play! Love the ultra sound pic! Sounds like you are on the ball with stuff too. Way to go! Yeah, that rubber band trick is a life saver, except in your nineth month- I'd need a really large rubber band. haha.

