Friday the 9th…
I got a call from Nikki saying that she had some spotting cramps and that this may or may not be a bad thing. She was able to get in and have blood drawn, her HcG levels
werehigh enough for an ultrasound and she was Rh positive (a good thing). The advice nurse recommended that we get an ultrasound, and due to the
time of night, now being after 6, we would have to go to the ER.
So we left, almost got sideswiped on the way there and
arrived around 7:30 to what was being described as “the busiest night they have
seen in a long, long time”…. We were in line as someone hit the floor with a
very severe seizure, pretty scary to see.
Let me tell you, you don’t know what “people watching” is
until you sit in an ER and take it all in…We first waited about two hours
before the nurse called us in to take Nikki’s vitals. He then escorted us to
the room where they draw blood. We got to wait 20 minutes behind an old lady
that was “a bad draw”, just to give blood and get escorted back to the lobby to
wait to be called by the doctor.
This was a very stressful time for me and Nikki, because we
were going to know if there is a heartbeat or if it was an ectopic pregnancy …So
I ate a bunch of food, like I do when I get nervous (a trip to subway and 711).
I also bought scratch offs for Nikki to play…didn’t break even.
As we were sitting in the lobby, we became buddies
(unfortunately) , with a chick that couldn’t stop talking, and a dude that
thought he was the coolest dude in the hospital. We also got to watch an
amazing show for about two hours…This dude brought in an even bigger dude that
was hurling over and puking dark blood…and falling out of his wheel chair. Of
course his friend got very annoyed with the fact that his buddy was “dying” and
they kept admitting “people with fucking sprained ankles” before him (his
words, which he made very clear to everyone in the lobby).
He eventually got up and approached the front desk lady (because
she has so much control), and demanded he be seen in 2 minutes, or there is
going to be “problems”. He sat back down and waited an half an hour, his buddy
started to say he was dying. This is when the guy left and came back in,
without his jacket, like he was ready to fight. Again going to the front desk,
pointing at the lady and the security dude saying “OK, this is fucking enough,
you need two more of you, and three more of him to stop me from bringing him
back there, get someone off of their coffee break and start helping the guy
that is dying in your lobby”.
After a bunch of yelling, the lady told the security guard
to escort him off the premises. Long story short, the guy was finally admitted
and they let the buddy back in after he had to apologize to the front desk…Shit
show City.
It is now 12 am, and we are called back…right as our
annoyance with how long this is taking has turned to a joke.
We get seen by the doctor really quick and he then tells us
it will be another 2 hours to be seen by the Ultrasound tech and to get the
reports back…then said “is that ok?” um,
“does it really matter” is what Nikki said, I was ready to drop kick the
After an hour, we get taken to the Ultrasound Tech, great
This was about 5 hours in, and we were ready to “know our
fate”, as stated by the douche of a nurse earlier…
There has been some scary times in my life, and this was one
of them…more so in the anticipation and how polarizing the outcome would be,
one way or another.
We watched as he moved the wand around…said, this is your
Sac, and this is where we will zone in to see if the fetus is viable….10
seconds later, he focused in a two blobs, and inside one of them…this crazy,
fast, twitching thing…HEART BEAT! 116 beats a minute, which he wants to be over
90 at this stage.
So we had our first ultrasound and got our first picture…
I think I was more emotional than anyone else…crazy to see
it for real and have the guy say everything looks normal.
We then got escorted back to our room and were told to wait
for the doctor...10 minutes, 15 minutes, and then 30 minutes roll by. It is now
2.15 am.
We start waiting outside of our room to try and push them
into seeing us. They keep on saying that we need to have the report faxed to
the doctor. Our nurse came in and finished everything up, but we still needed
to wait for the doctor. We asked if he could just send us any follow up. She
said “that is not how he likes to do it”.
So we gave him another 20 minutes, then decided to get out
of dodge…We ended up walking out!
We told the front desk what we did as we were paying our
copy; they laughed, and said it happens…especially when you are “holding the
pictures”. They said that he would call or follow up if there was anything that
jumped out.
SO that was our crazy, long day. Oh and I got a verbal to
pick up Willamette Valley Vineyards as well…so, an eventful day.
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