Friday, July 6, 2012

24 wks = 6 months!

I never did the math until someone pointed out that in fact 24 weeks is 6 months. That's really far along! I have lots to do and little time. Andrew and I are planning a trip (aka babymoon) for a week in August and I'm excited to get a away and visit some friends.
Our little monster isn't moving much, but she has her moments.  We have gotten nowhere on the nursery or anything else for that matter. I have a feeling I will be in labor while I am putting a crib together. Correction, yelling at Andrew while he puts the crib together.
Ali Update: Still no baby :( I want to meet her and I know Ali is antsy as well. There is progress but not enough to start the process. Cross your fingers it happens soon! Update:
Your baby is about 12 inches long and weighs a little over a pound (picture an ear of corn). She has developed the sweet face you'll soon see, with eyes and ears placed just where they should be. She's big enough that she can no longer do cartwheels and tumbles, but she's just as touchy-feely with her surroundings as she has been. She's also even more attuned into sounds outside the womb. If a loud noise disturbs her, she may be restless for hours.

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